Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Farmtown Cheats | Facebook Farmtown Cheat, Tricks and Hack

These Farmtown Cheats tutorials will help you a lot to learn and know more about theFacebook Farmtown cheat, tricks and hacks.
farmtown cheats
How to stack plow in Facebook Farm Town?
Now Please click the link below for the video clips which will show you how to stack plow in Facebook’s Flash game Farm Town. Remember that this will only works if you are using anInternet Explorer (IE). This includes making a plot and stacking a second plot at the top of the first plot. And that is what you called stack plowing. Isnt it cool to have a Facebook farmtown cheats like this?
The description in Facebook application for farm town hacks, cheats and glitches says that:
“In the world of Farm Town you and your friends can have a great time! You can play games, design, grow and maintain your own farm and even send gifts to your friends. Play now and share the fun with everyone!”
Another Farmtown Cheat Codes here:
Hire friends to harvest or plow. Instead of going to the market and hire total strangers to harvest or plow at your farm, try asking your friends to visit your farm so that you can hire them. In return, they wil hire you also to harvest or plow at their farm.
These are only some of the Farmtown Cheats that I have collected over the internet. But as I said, it is recommended to NOT TO CHEAT! Yes we all know that cheaters never win and this is just a social site game and there is no need to cheat. But if you still insist you can follow the said Farmtown cheats tutorials. Lolz!
If you like this post, you can subscribe to us via email for more updates with regards to Farmtown Cheats, Hacks and Tricks. Thank you.
You may also try to look for other facebook game
cheats in this sites that you might interested with. Please click all the link below and enjoy playing!

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